We know Deionized water is good for brewing, so why should we not drink it? It’s in our beer, right?!
We know Deionized water is good for brewing, so why should we not drink it? It’s in our beer, right?!
Here are some of our favorite HbrewO Reviews and some of the changes we have made because of the great feedback from our customers. We are always listening!
Thank you to our customers and retailers for such a great month and year! We have been working very hard to fill every order we get! Made in the USA
Wow! We were busy for Homebrew Con Portland!
Yes! our BrewRO System is made in the USA. Right here in Atlanta, Georgia, USA we assemble our homebrewing water filtration systems. Our goal is to give our customers the easiest solutions to water chemistry. Start with a clean slate, and add minerals you need into the pure water!
Best Water Purification System for Homebrewing!
For our third year in a row, we will be showing our Homebrewing water filtration system, BrewRO, at the Homebrew Con. We are excited to show some of the new updates we made to the system and see all our homebrewing friends again! Please stop by our booth July 1st.
Back in June our CEO, Mike Amat, was invited to sit down with Joshua and Todd on the Homebrew Happy Hour podcast. If you are curious about our products or just want to find out more about water chemistry in brewing, click the link below to listen!
As Always, Cheers!
What is the most challenging and least favorite part of homebrewing? The two answers I hear the most is cleaning and water chemistry. We cannot help you with cleaning, but we can with water chemistry!
Why is water chemistry important? It's usually because you want you water to match a certain mineral profile that will complement your beer. Everyone knows this, but it is difficult and time consuming to calculate what is currently in your water mineral profile already, adjust for minerals you do not need with additions of purified water, and add minerals you need more of. Even after you do all that, factors such as chlorine, chloramine and other chemical additives in tap water can add off flavors.
What is a solution? One would be to purchase bottled water. However, bottled water can be deceiving. Most 'Purified Water' has minerals added back in for taste, so it's not pure... Some homebrewers will purchase large amounts of distilled water (which is closer to pure than purified water... makes no sense, right?) and add in the mineral additions needed for their brew. Other dedicated homebrewers have taken the time to rig a reverse osmosis system somewhere to purify their own water - saving a trip to the store and hassle of looking like your cooking drugs at the grocery store check out line with 25 gallon jugs of distilled water. This is great, but some of these RO Systems can cost well into the thousands of dollars and you usually have to rig it somehow to work for your brewing needs.
Okay, just tell me what you do? So HbrewO Systems is a manufacturer of water systems for brewing purposes. We designed our BrewRO System last year and it has performed better than we could have anticipated. The BrewRO is a 4 stage RO/DI water purification system. Water produced from the BrewRO system is 0 parts per million total dissolved solids. Truly pure water. Even after 6 months of usage the BrewRO still produced water at 0ppm TDS. We designed the system specifically for homebrewers. The BrewRO has two water input options: A hose input and a faucet input. The BrewRO has options for a float valve to automatically cut the water off once it reaches a certain water level in the collection vessel and a TDS monitor that measure the TDS of the water going in the system (your tap water) and the water going out of the system (your purified water). Everything stores away nicely inside the handheld case, plugs are included to seal the system off during storage, and it comes with plenty of tubing for you to set it up wherever it is convenient. Filters can be easily replaced each year and the RO membrane can last 3 to 4 years depending on your usage and water quality. We keep our filters reasonably priced on our website as well.
I encourage you to check out our website and videos of the set up: http://www.hbrewo.com/videos/
Congrats to Matt with Barley Legal Home Brewing Club on winning one of our BrewRO Systems!
Congrats to Matt with Barley Legal Home Brewing Club on winning one of our BrewRO Systems!
Follow all the action on our Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/HbrewO/
We are very excited for this year's National Homebrewers Conference, AKA HomeBrew Con '16 American Homebrewers Association. If you're coming check us out at booth 323 next to the great people at ACCUmash (booth 321). If you're not going, follow us on Facebook, we will be posting pictures and videos!
Hi Everyone!
Brulosophy used our BrewRO System in their last experiment! Very interesting article if you have some time to read it.
We are working with a manufacturer to get our products rolling out around April. Some design changes need to be made to make production easier, then we will do some more product testing to make sure everything is still working perfectly, lastly, we will start a larger scale production again!
HbrewO Team
We now have the BrewRO System available and will be showcasing it at the Treasure Coast Beer Festival in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.
Get your tickets! 300 different beers and a ton of food. Make sure you come by our tent as well.
Soon we will be sharing pictures and videos of our new HbrewO BrewRO System! They will be ready for order around mid November. We appreciate all the support from our testers and everyone else who has helped us get to this point! We will keep you updated.
HbrewO is a sponsor of the 2015 Treasure Coast Beer Fest in Port St. Lucie, Florida on November 21st. This event is for anyone who likes beer and food. A home brewing competition will be held during the event as well. The best part is, it is all for charity!
HbrewO will be displaying our first brewing water system, the BrewRO System at the festival. We hope you can join us for this great cause and stop by our booth!
We are now accepting preorders on our FilteRV System. This is a portable water system that you can bring to all your RV, Camping, and Boating experiences. We will get pictures of our systems as soon as we figure out how to work this camera…
Cheers and Bon Voyage!
A special 'Thank You' to the home brewers who tested our system and gave feedback! We are very happy to see the results and we are going to take every suggestion into consideration as we finalize our systems.
We are set to launch our first system in November. Please stay tuned for updates.